Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Painted Road Project - Short Film

Things are happening! My husband and I are now in full swing ahead in preparation for our upcoming year-long journey next May. The Painted Road Project website is finished and is already filling up with some exciting news and posts. The project also has a new Facebook Page and Twitter account.
Last night I finished some edits on my short film, and am so thrilled to be able share it publicly now. Take 3 minutes to check out this preview of the project, and please share it with friends and family. In a few weeks I'll be launching an Indiegogo campaign where I'll be offering exclusive artwork for sale, and I would love for as many people as possible to know about this project to help ensure it's a success. (You might need to pause it to read the text bits at the end. I couldn't seem to make it slow down long enough to read without messing it up in other ways. I'm still new at this stuff!)

There's still so much to do, but I'm writing a list and adding to it regularly. I'm not looking forward to the immunization shots we need to get soon. Also, I haven't quite figured out how to infuse the language part of my brain with Spanish. I have a feeling we'll be listening to "Learn to Speak Spanish" CDs in lieu of music for the first 3 months on the road before arriving at the Baja California border.

~ xo DS


  1. Daina is my favorite artist bar none, this trip is going to be fun to follow and I know it will expand Daina's creativity

  2. Excellent. Looking forward to following your adventure.


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