Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chickadee & Sparrow Singsongs

Looking east along Lawrencetown Road, Nova Scotia, in February. Photo © Daina Deblette Scarola, 2012
When I let Daizy out this morning, I was greeted by the sweetest birdsongs. I hadn't realized how quiet it's been around our yard during this latest deepfreeze. In anticipation of a beautiful sunny 2℃ day, the Song Sparrow and the Black-capped Chickadee began singing together in harmony.

Watch this video, which captures our Sparrow song perfectly... The Chickadee is known to mimic the Sparrow's song sometimes, so when they sing together it's a real treat. The Sparrow song is often heard beginning in February through September.

White-throated Sparrow: Whistler of the North

In my search on YouTube I came across this lovely home video made by turtlesongzoeann
Have a listen...

Chickadee Song

Chickadee dee dee
Fearless bird of truth
Chickadee dee dee
Joyfully sing your song
How did we get here?
Where are we going to?
There are so many questions
and so many answers too
Only you know
Chickadee adee adee adee

What is your favourite birdsong in your corner of the world?
I hope the sun (or the moon) is shining bright. 

Have a great day... xo D

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the new white backdrop! Chickadees and sparrows, love their cheery songs. I am constantly amazed at how such tiny wee birds survive the winter, they have such great resilience and plucky determination.


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